Just when my summer vacation was becoming increasingly boring, and I was becoming overly dependent on morning cricket nets to keep me going, my wonderful friend gave me some good news. She invited me to her sister's wedding. I welcomed the break, really. I boarded the bus to a familiar place on the world map, the place from which my Pursuit of Mechanical Engineering is happening. Trichy.
As me and my friend landed outside the Wedding hall, we were kinda feeling out of place , not recognising anybody there, and having our blank faces reciprocated. Then came Mr.Auto-Addict and Miss. Cuteness. Little kids. They made me wonder why its so easy to make friends with kids , while its much more difficult to warm up to adults. The next few minutes, I repaired Mr.Auto-addicts broken plastic auto and convinced the girl that Barbie's hair was actually Snake and Noodles. It kinda worked, because she then stopped asking for Barbie dolls the next two days :P After the kids went away with their mom, I felt the full eeriness of being introduced to my best-friend-girl's parents for the first time. It helped that I had company. But her parents were so gracious and welcoming that our apprehensions evaporated. Okay,okay. I need to say something about the wedding, I can hear you say it.
The first few hours were like so uneventful, we were sitting on chairs and watching Vedic nuptial procedures unfold. Then came the "Carom ball". Unexpected, bowls you over most times.Sometimes you wonder what magic these six yards of cloth weave around a woman, so much so that it makes you take instant notice. Especially when the colours are Red-Blue or Green-Yellow.Specificity of colour implies uniqueness of person referred to :P I don't wanna make it obvious that the "Carom Ball" was the centre of our attention the whole day. Then the reception, and grand food. We went on stage to congratulate the couple, and I got introduced as the guy who wrote the blog. Made me want to come back and write, right away, about this. Two other guys became our friends, and since we had the age advantage over them, we got them to stage a mini Eat-O-mania, which I undoubtedly won, by (un)ceremoniously hogging two Channa-Masala cups and One plate of Pav-Bhaji. Food and winning are an intoxicating combination, really.
I stayed at my aunt's place for the night, and returned in time , just in time, to see the three knots being tied, and the love culminate in marriage. Must have been a wonderful feeling, but I'm not the feelings writer, so I thought I should take a little help.
Proud to introduce the new feature in my blogs, that i hope to promote, Feature-writing. Pebbles Of Words is one of my favourite blogs, and it helps that Radhika is my friend. Here's how she describes the institution of marriage, in her impeccable style.
Man, I can never write like that. Thanks, Radhika. The whole afternoon of the wedding day, we spent playing with kids and chatting.A game playing session between the bride and the groom, a part of traditional Tam-Brahm weddings called 'nalangu' made for an interesting watch, despite the unforgivable waste of Appalams due to the smashing-on-the-head game. A girl cousin of my friend actually believed that my name was "Rooney" because of the jersey I was wearing, and she asked me why I didn't go to church on that Sunday :P Finally, my friend congratulated me for having managed to feed Ms. Cuteness a glass of milk without spilling it and tantrumless-ly. Some achievement, I should say. I had to say Cuckoo a thousand times and teach her the Baba symbol to get her to comply.
I had to dedicate a paragraph for this, but the food was mind blowing. Right from the South Indian tiffin breakfast to the Classic marriage lunch and the buffet dinner, everything was picture perfect. And the piece-de-resistance of it all, was the hospitality. I felt so special there, and made quite a lot of friends. PS:I cant mention Mr.Playboy, because of certain contractual dealings I have with him.
As me and my friend landed outside the Wedding hall, we were kinda feeling out of place , not recognising anybody there, and having our blank faces reciprocated. Then came Mr.Auto-Addict and Miss. Cuteness. Little kids. They made me wonder why its so easy to make friends with kids , while its much more difficult to warm up to adults. The next few minutes, I repaired Mr.Auto-addicts broken plastic auto and convinced the girl that Barbie's hair was actually Snake and Noodles. It kinda worked, because she then stopped asking for Barbie dolls the next two days :P After the kids went away with their mom, I felt the full eeriness of being introduced to my best-friend-girl's parents for the first time. It helped that I had company. But her parents were so gracious and welcoming that our apprehensions evaporated. Okay,okay. I need to say something about the wedding, I can hear you say it.
The first few hours were like so uneventful, we were sitting on chairs and watching Vedic nuptial procedures unfold. Then came the "Carom ball". Unexpected, bowls you over most times.Sometimes you wonder what magic these six yards of cloth weave around a woman, so much so that it makes you take instant notice. Especially when the colours are Red-Blue or Green-Yellow.Specificity of colour implies uniqueness of person referred to :P I don't wanna make it obvious that the "Carom Ball" was the centre of our attention the whole day. Then the reception, and grand food. We went on stage to congratulate the couple, and I got introduced as the guy who wrote the blog. Made me want to come back and write, right away, about this. Two other guys became our friends, and since we had the age advantage over them, we got them to stage a mini Eat-O-mania, which I undoubtedly won, by (un)ceremoniously hogging two Channa-Masala cups and One plate of Pav-Bhaji. Food and winning are an intoxicating combination, really.
I stayed at my aunt's place for the night, and returned in time , just in time, to see the three knots being tied, and the love culminate in marriage. Must have been a wonderful feeling, but I'm not the feelings writer, so I thought I should take a little help.
Proud to introduce the new feature in my blogs, that i hope to promote, Feature-writing. Pebbles Of Words is one of my favourite blogs, and it helps that Radhika is my friend. Here's how she describes the institution of marriage, in her impeccable style.
The bride stands dressed in her jaw dropping lehenga, delicate studded diamond ring, experiencing a joy tingled nervousness that makes the stomach dance with butterflies. She stands there hidden from the guests awaiting her cue. The groom stands dressed in a sherwani and flashes a sweet smile symbolising happiness as he anticipates the sweeping entry of he woman he loves and sees his future with.
Little did the young naive bride and groom realise that this day was their beginning thread would weave together the sumptuous tapestry of a beautiful marriage. Adoration in his eyes, intimacy in her voice , his caring touch, her feel of touch on his shoulders as she massages his aches, her morning cup of coffee made just the way she likes it, loss, grief, times of growth, change, disagreements, uncertainties, they stuck strong together to build the picture they wanted. The oak of ripe marriage is planted by two souls who believe in the beauty of sacrifice, the wonder of loyalty, joy of trust, promises, compassion, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, forgiveness and believe in forever.
To me marriage is like a cart where the husband and wife are the two wheels of the cart that/who have to work in synchronisation in order to reach a common destination. For a marriage to be successful it is very important that both the wheels of the cart want to reach the same destination and thus the two people who bond together, should want the same things out of the marriage. With their busy schedules, a night together(after putting their kids to sleep) is rare and cherished now more than when they were dating. Holding hands on a Friday night during a movie and sharing a pop corn and coke fill them with delight. Romance springs out of pure love . A successful marriage requires falling in love many times and always with the same person.
- Pebbles Of Words ~

Man, I can never write like that. Thanks, Radhika. The whole afternoon of the wedding day, we spent playing with kids and chatting.A game playing session between the bride and the groom, a part of traditional Tam-Brahm weddings called 'nalangu' made for an interesting watch, despite the unforgivable waste of Appalams due to the smashing-on-the-head game. A girl cousin of my friend actually believed that my name was "Rooney" because of the jersey I was wearing, and she asked me why I didn't go to church on that Sunday :P Finally, my friend congratulated me for having managed to feed Ms. Cuteness a glass of milk without spilling it and tantrumless-ly. Some achievement, I should say. I had to say Cuckoo a thousand times and teach her the Baba symbol to get her to comply.
I had to dedicate a paragraph for this, but the food was mind blowing. Right from the South Indian tiffin breakfast to the Classic marriage lunch and the buffet dinner, everything was picture perfect. And the piece-de-resistance of it all, was the hospitality. I felt so special there, and made quite a lot of friends. PS:I cant mention Mr.Playboy, because of certain contractual dealings I have with him.
Dedicated to the girl who stole my heart ;) |