One-Eighty Degrees

The worlds topsy-turvy,its upside-down. And i don't like it. I'm no big shot who can change the world. The least i can do is, make things look right even the wrong way.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The more you ask, the more you get!

The title might sound like advice from a retired football manager to his successor regarding player management, but it could also refer to how persuasive you have to get to get the extra Vada from the mess server, for, the only good things in the Mess are always limited. Okay, getting serious, the title indeed has something do with the following 180. It was my first made-on-demand creation, and my friends think its the best creation of mine till now. I don't know if you will feel the same way, but i'll still show it to you anyway.Just goes to show, everybody does their best when they're pushed to do it. I should know that, given my schooling, footballing and cricketing background and experiences. If there was a place where i could write credits, there would be three entries : 
  • Motivation and Idea: The person who got me to do this, during a phase in which I was beginning to become bored with my own ambigrams.
  • Drawing Aid: MS Paint
  • EXECUTION: Me :) 
The reason why the word is highlighted comes right below......

\m/ Execute \m/ 


  1. BRO U HAV GOTTA IMPROVIS TIS !!!!!!! it's already got d brains... get d gethu into in maaaaann !!!!!!

  2. aggrees wid the vada :P
    like the ambi!..
    title- ravi sir's dialogue

  3. Finally, a compliment.Yes, how do you know about Ravi sir's dialogue?
