One-Eighty Degrees

The worlds topsy-turvy,its upside-down. And i don't like it. I'm no big shot who can change the world. The least i can do is, make things look right even the wrong way.

Monday, February 7, 2011

College Happenings

There was this floodlit tennis ball cricket tournament at college called The Ruby Cup, and we entered a team. Randomly, i hit up on the name Eleven-and-a-half-men! We got a rough deal in the matches, but played fairly well. So this is to Gautham,Sohaib,Jagan,Jayaram,Seshan,Rajesh,Manas,Hari,Piyush,Shrikanth,Shivaanth,And guest player Krishanth :)
Eleven and a Half !

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